Getting Started


StringTree can be installed be running the file from terminal or command prompt

python install

Creating A Tree

To start simply create a tree

from string_tree import Tree

tree = Tree()

This creates a root TreeNode and adds it to the new Tree instance.

Adding to the Tree

So to add the first nodes use add_node on the path “root”. Or use add_child on the root itself.

tree.add_node("root", "Foo", "Foo is a placeholder name")
tree.root.add_child("Bar", "Bar is a placeholder name")

From here children can be added to those nodes and so on. Added nodes can be accessed by using get_node more on accessing later.

tree.add_node("Foo", "Child", "Child of Foo")
tree.get_node("Bar").add_child("Child", "Child of Bar")

Accessing nodes

Now that there are two nodes that are named Child they can no longer be accessed by just their title. If “Child” was used as the path to that node it would always return Foo’s Child and never Bar’s because Foo was added to the Tree first. To access Bar’s child the full or partial path must be used.

# This will return Foo's Child

# Both of these will return Bar's Child

# It can also be accessed from the TreeNode itself
bar = tree.get_node("Bar")

Accessing Contents

get_string can be used to access the contents of the TreeNode from a path. Or access the TreeNode’s string property directly

tree.get_string("Foo")  # Will return "Foo is a placeholder name"
tree.get_string("Foo.Child")  # Will return "Child of Foo"

foo = tree.get_node("Foo")
foo.string # "Foo is a placeholder name"
foo_child = tree.get_node("Foo.Child")
foo_child.string  # "Child of Foo"

Adopted Children

Normally each child noe has one parent. However, if it is possible to connect two paths in the tree by adding any node as an adoptive parent to another node. The node’s must have a unique title from all current children and can not be the root node. So Foo can not adopt “Bar.Child” because Foo already has a node named “Child”. However if another child is added to Bar with a different name, then Foo can adopt that child as an adopted child.

bar.add_child("Unique", "This node has a unique title")


unique = foo.get_child("Unique")
unique.string  # Will return "This node has a unique title"

unique in foo.children  # Returns True
unique in foo.get_biological_children  # Returns False
unique in foo.get_adopted_children  # Returns True

unique.parent  # Still Bar
unique.adoptive_parents  # Returns a list including foo

Accessing Paths

To get a list of every node on a path use get_lineage. This will return the node at the path’s children and their children’s children and so on. remove_lineage can be used to remove all of a node’s biological children as opposed to remove_node which will append the nodes children to its parent. get_lineage and remove_lineage are also accessible from individual TreeNodes


The passed in node is not included in the returned list and the list only includes biological children.

foo in tree.get_lineage("root") # Returns True
tree.get_node("Unique") in tree.get_lineage("root") # Returns True

tree.root in tree.get_lineage("root")  # Returns False
tree.get_node("Bar.Child") in tree.get_lineage("Foo")  # Returns False